
Welcome to the fundraising page for Anton Lane, MD of Edge Tax, who is taking on the incredible challenge of running the London Marathon to raise funds for a cause that holds a special place in his heart. In memory of his dear friend Paul Emsley, who dedicated his life to helping others with their health, Anton aims to raise £26.2k for Brain Tumour Research. Let’s join hands and support Anton in his mission to make a difference in the fight against brain tumours.

About Paul Emsley:

Paul Emsley was not just a fitness instructor; he was a beacon of hope for many battling leukaemia. Leaving behind a lucrative banking career, he chose to embrace a life of service by raising his fitness to donate bone marrow for leukaemia patients through Anthony Nolan. His legacy continued with the establishment of the award-winning ‘Energise – cancer rehabilitation exercise’ program in Bristol. Sadly, on 12 March 2018, Paul passed away due to a brain tumour. Anton Lane is running the London Marathon in honor of his extraordinary friend and to carry forward the impact Paul made in the lives of many.

Our Mission:

The aim of this fundraising campaign is to support Brain Tumour Research, an organization that strives to find a cure for brain tumours, improve patient outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for those affected by this devastating disease. By contributing to this cause, we can make a significant difference in the lives of brain tumour patients and their families.

Why Your Support Matters:

Brain tumours are among the most challenging forms of cancer, affecting thousands of lives every year. Despite the profound impact on patients and their loved ones, brain tumour research remains significantly underfunded. Your generous contributions will enable researchers to conduct vital studies, discover new treatments, and ultimately move closer to finding a cure.

How You Can Help:

  1. Sign the Brain Tumour Research Petition: Sign our petition and help us reach 100,000 signatures Brain Tumour Research are calling on the Government to ring-fence £110 million of current and new funding to kick-start an increase in the national investment in brain tumour research to £35 million a year by 2028
  2. Donate: Every contribution, big or small, brings us one step closer to our fundraising goal. Your donation will directly fund critical research to combat brain tumours and give hope to those affected by this disease.
  3. Join an Event: Over the next 6 months we will be hosting a number of fundraising events. Please keep an eye on our socials and sign up to our newsletter here to be the first to hear what we are up to
  4. Share the Cause: Help us spread the word by sharing Anton’s story and this fundraising campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues. The more people who know about it, the greater impact we can make together.
  5. Join Anton’s Journey: Show your support by cheering Anton on throughout his London Marathon training and on the big day itself. Your encouragement will keep him motivated to achieve his goal and raise awareness for this important cause.

About Brain Tumour Research: Brain Tumour Research is a leading charity committed to finding a cure for brain tumours through funding research programs and raising awareness. They are dedicated to driving scientific advancements and improving the lives of those affected by brain tumours.

How Donations Are Used: All donations received will go directly to Brain Tumour Research. The funds will be allocated towards research projects, clinical trials, and support programs for patients and their families.

Support Anton Lane’s London Marathon Today: Join us in honoring the memory of Paul Emsley and supporting Anton Lane’s fundraising efforts for Brain Tumour Research. Together, we can make a real impact on the fight against brain tumours and bring hope to those affected by this challenging disease.

Click the link below to make a donation and help us reach our goal of £26.2k: Donate Now

Thank you for your generosity and support. Let’s make a difference together!

Companies Supporting our Auction

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of our generous supporters for their incredible auction prizes that will make our fundraising truly remarkable.

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