Disguised remuneration schemes can be intricate financial arrangements designed to sidestep tax liabilities on income, particularly PAYE and National Insurance Contributions. If you’ve encountered challenges or received an Accelerated Payment Notice (APN) from HMRC, our expert team is here to assist you.

What is disguised remuneration?

Disguised remuneration schemes are a form of tax avoidance where payments arising from employment are made in some form other than cash or to a person who is not the employee. These payments are not declared as income in the tax returns of the employee or contractor and so no income tax is paid.

These tax avoidance schemes were mass marketed to individuals by tax advisers, lawyers and accountants..

Understanding Disguised Remuneration: An Overview

These schemes are crafted to evade tax responsibilities, differing from legitimate tax planning methods. HMRC strongly opposes these schemes, leading to legislative actions to prohibit their use and reclaim the rightful tax revenues.

Our Expertise in Addressing Disguised Remuneration Challenges

Our Managing director, Anton Lane, authored a comprehensive guide on Tax Investigations  for Lexis Nexis, showcasing our deep understanding of these intricate financial structures.

What We Cover:

Scheme Types: From expense-deductible payment setups to Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs) and Employee Financed Retirement Benefit Schemes (EFRBS), we cover a wide array of schemes falling under the legislation.

Legislation and Changes: Over the years, multiple legislative changes have aimed to clarify tax provisions, including the introduction of the loan charge through Finance Acts 2017.

How We Can Help You:

Guidance for Beneficiaries: We understand that beneficiaries, often directors or employees focused on their businesses, face difficulties understanding the evolving tax legislation. We provide clarity on your rights, obligations, and available options.

Accelerated Payment Notices: If you’ve received an APN, we assist in navigating negotiations, understanding liabilities, and managing disputes with HMRC, ensuring your rights are protected throughout the process.

Liability Assessment and Defence: Whether you’re a participant or director involved in a scheme, we assess your liability, defend claims, and ensure fairness in transferring liabilities.

Why Choose Us?

Our team brings extensive expertise in dissecting and resolving complex disguised remuneration schemes. We prioritise your understanding, protection, and resolution throughout this intricate process.

Get in Touch Today

If you’ve entered into a disguised remuneration schemes (or any other tax avoidance scheme) or received an APN, don’t navigate this complex terrain alone. Contact our expert team today for comprehensive guidance, ensuring you’re well-informed about your situation and rights. Early advice is crucial in securing your position.

Whether you are an employer, employee or contractor, our expert advisers can assist you in managing HMRC’s investigation and entering into negotiations by providing comprehensive advice and robust responses to the investigators. Our tailored team can calculate what you owe and make representations on your behalf to HMRC.

Current list of named tax avoidance schemes, promoters, enablers and suppliers can be found here

Tax Investigations

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